Monday, August 21, 2017

Nigel Farange: Events in Europe Show that Muslim Immigration Results in Terrorism. America is more concerned with Civil War Statues than Recognizing the Real Enemy.

Nigal Farange: European leaders are in denial about Islamist terrorism in Europe because they are embarrassed by the fact that they have caused it. There will eventually be political consequences. Brexit was one consequence for the EU. The British people realized they needed to control their borders. Not out of racism, but in self defense. Terrorist attacks are not occurring in Central and Eastern Europe because leaders there have refused to accept refugees from across the Mediterranean. These countries have lived under Communism and Nazism within living memory and they are not going to give in to the "gangsters" in Brussels. "There is a direct link and relationship between the number of people you let in from different religions and different cultures and the number of terror attacks."

In America there is a large section of the population that is more concerned with tearing down civil war statues than recognizing who the real enemy of the West is.

Tucker Carlson: "There's never been a country with a dumber class of leaders than ours unfortunately."