Sunday, August 20, 2017

Alex Jones interviews Ivan from Bulgaria who says the US is now experiencing what they went through in the 1990's facing the Soros operatives in Bulgaria.

Ivan explains the strategy being used against the US. Attack our rights and import people to form an underclass who will be manipulated to revolt.

What we're seeing here in America in the last 2 years especially is clearly the work of the same people that were attacking Eastern Europe in the 1990's

What we're seeing right now is the same kind of tactics that George Soros used in the 1990's in Bulgaria.

They are destabilizing the USA. What they did to dozens of third world countries through the same tactics, the state department and so on, propaganda, then they plant people in crowds, they have agitators, and then they'll make a fabricated scandal and then they'll use it to force out a government. They've done this on an on.

America is a very lucky place. It's very wealthy, its founded by the best principles in the history of humanity. They're going right at those principles. The reason America has been hard to take over by communism until now is America has too much wealth and America has too many rights. So what they want to do now is they have to create a permanent underlcass which they can then galvanize to be the radicals on the street which are like a battering ram against the government that we elected. So they want a permanent underclass that's why they're importing people that they keep at the bottom like bottom feeders. Then they can radicalize them because communism needs an underclass to make it revolt and so that's why they're pushing people down in poverty