UPDATE: Here is the full interview if the clip below is not working
Larry Elder
The biggest burden that black people have in my opinion again is the percentage of blacks, 75% of them, that are raised without fathers. And that has every other social negative consequences connected to it: crime, not being able to compete economically in the country, being more likely to be arrested, that's the number one problem facing the black community. And when I hear people tell me about systemic racism or unconscious racism I always say give me an example and almost nobody can do it.
Dave Rubin
So the family stuff. I'll follow your logic there. Family stuff. What can actually be done about that?
Larry Elder
Reverse to welfare state. In 1890 - 1900 you look at census reports a black kid believe it or not was slightly more likely to be born to a nuclear intact family than a white kid. Even during slavery a black kid was more likely to be born under a roof with his biological mother and biological father than today. What happened is we launched this so-called war on poverty in the 60s. Where, literally, Lyndon Johnson sent people knocking on doors, and I lived in the 60s, and people knocked on doors apprising women of the availability the welfare provided there was no man in the house. And we went from 25% of blacks being born outside of wedlock and 65 to 75 percent right now. And you look at how much money that we spent on welfare and the lines are parallel. It was a neutron bomb dropped on this country not just in the black community but on people in general. At one time only about 5% of whites were born outside of wedlock now 25% of whites are born outside of wedlock. I was in college in 1970 and there was a report called the Moynihan Report: The Negro Family, a Case for National Action, is written by liberal by a man who became a Democratic senator for the from New York. And at the time 25% of black kids were born outside of wedlock. He said my god this number is is horrific if we don't do something about it, it could get even higher. Well fast forward: 25% of white kids are now born outside of wedlock. It is the number one problem in this country and what we've done in my opinion is we economically incentivize women to marry the government we've allowed men to abandon their financial and more responsibility and now we have this.